Reduce stream erosion in your backyard
Some people consider streamside vegetation a nuisance in need of being cut back, however, it serves a valuable purpose. Vegetation along a streambank decreases pollution, erosion and keeps streams cool by minimizing the impacts of sunlight on the stream. Planting native trees and shrubs, and not mowing to the edge of a stream, are simple and affordable ways to improve and protect Haywood County’s beautiful waterways.
Check out these publications for ways to reduce streambank erosion in your backyard.
Town Hall: 828-627-2566
Emergency: 828-648-2376
PO Box 386
Clyde, NC 28721
Normal Operating Hours
M-F 9-12 and 1-5
Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666
Emergency: 911
Town of Clyde Board
Jim Trantham, Mayor
Dann Jesse, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Lay II, Alderman
Diane Fore, Alderwoman
Amy Russell, Alderwoman