Leaving a Message in Downtown Clyde
Several volunteers stenciled a message on stormdrains downtown Clyde - “Don’t Dump Drains To Pigeon River.” - with brightly colored spray paint to make sure the message was visible to anyone walking by.
Stormdrains transport stormwater from parking lots, driveways, rooftops, and other impervious surfaces to a nearby waterway without any treatment, so anything that rainwater picks up, such as oil, pesticide, dirt, fertilizers, and pet waste, gets dumped into the waterways we use for swimming, fishing, irrigating crops and drinking water. Stormwater runoff is the leading cause of pollution affecting our waterways nation-wide. Here are ways citizens can help prevent stormwater pollution:
Following these simple suggestions can make a big impact on water quality. Haywood County’s streams are some of the cleanest in the state but they are susceptible to pollution when people are careless.
Town Hall: 828-627-2566
Emergency: 828-648-2376
PO Box 386
Clyde, NC 28721
Normal Operating Hours
M-F 9-12 and 1-5
Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666
Emergency: 911
Town of Clyde Board
Jim Trantham, Mayor
Dann Jesse, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Lay II, Alderman
Diane Fore, Alderwoman
Amy Russell, Alderwoman