Conveniently pay your utility bills and taxes for Clyde, NC online or by phone. Avoid service interruptions by ensuring full payment of your account balance.
*Note: If you are paying online and you have two bills on your account, the FULL balance must be paid in full to keep your water from being disconnected. No further notice will be given to you prior to disconnection if only a partial payment is made.
Town Hall: 828-627-2566
Emergency: 828-648-2376
PO Box 386
Clyde, NC 28721
Normal Operating Hours
M-F 9-12 and 1-5
Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666
Emergency: 911
Town of Clyde Board
Jim Trantham, Mayor
Dann Jesse, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Lay II, Alderman
Diane Fore, Alderwoman
Amy Russell, Alderwoman