If you are interested in operating a business within the Town of Clyde city limits, you need to verify that the type of business you are going to operate is allowed in the zoning district you will be in and also you will need to have a business zoning permit from the Town. Business zoning permits can be purchased at the Clyde Town Hall located at 8437 Carolina Blvd., Clyde, NC. The costs of these permits vary depending on the type business that will be operating. For more information please call 828-627-2566.
Town Hall: 828-627-2566
Emergency: 828-648-2376
PO Box 386
Clyde, NC 28721
Normal Operating Hours
M-F 9-12 and 1-5
Sheriff's Office: 828-452-6666
Emergency: 911
Town of Clyde Board
Jim Trantham, Mayor
Dann Jesse, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Lay II, Alderman
Diane Fore, Alderwoman
Amy Russell, Alderwoman